My first marble sculpture: “Sasha”

Medium: Italian Carrara marble

Artist: Stephen “Otter” Otten


            This twelve month artistic endeavor was conceived classically by hand in eight weeks. No pneumatic or electronic tools where used. The sculpture is dedicated to a gifted artist named Adrienne who’s last words to me were; “I cant wait to see you do full figure”, after discussing the completion of a serious of ceramic, anatomical studies of male heads I had finished some time earlier in the ceramics class we had together. It was that following Monday that I heard dramatic news that Adrienne had passed away.


            Finishing my first subtractive assignment early in the three dimensional class that Adrienne and I also had together, Professor Brad Eilerling asked if I would be interested in sculpting something in honor of Adrienne. I took the offer with great emotional seriousness.


            I accepted, but felt that neither concrete nor clay was good enough for what I wanted to do for Adrienne. I almost automatically decided that I would have to learn to carve marble. I searched for medium and instruction throughout St. Louis. I finally found direction from a St. Louis sculptor named Abraham Mohler. There, I intensely studied and learned from working directly on various stages of Abrham's sculptures. I spent all my time there trying to accelerate the learning process of the subtractive method.


            Soon after, I felt ready to start on my first marble sculpture. I purchased a broken, and fractured piece of marble from Abraham’s rubble pile. It was not the ideal piece of marble for what I wanted to achieve, for the stone had been saturated and weakened in areas overexposed to the elements, shattered, and fractured due to the large forceful rebar used to break the piece free from the mass of the quarry. This was a corner piece that had already suffered severe percussion throughout the stone, compromising the stones integrity for sculpting, and the bedding plane was running perpendicular to what was desired for the long reclining figure I wanted to render. Never the less, It was Carrarra marble, the best marble suited for hand carving with a mallet and chisel, and I only had eight weeks to get it done.


            I quickly commissioned models for the composition I wanted, and immediately made a clay machete, and then set to work. I was new in this complicated and critical method of art, but had no choice. I would have to accelerate my learning through intensity, something I am quite familiar with and have done most of my life. I was entering the realm at which I was accustomed to.


            I was told that the sculpture would take at least a year to do by hand. It was humanly impossible to do in eight weeks. That is exactly what I needed to hear . This was no longer an art project. This was a mission, and the fire that fueled the impossible within me once before ignited once again. Sleep would have to be limited to a minimum, and all energy would be concentrated on the mission at hand.


            This piece before you is not Adrienne, but a modern woman and the celebration and study of nature’s beauty. Adrienne took a heavy load of classes, as well as keeping her important passions of music and the love for her boyfriend. It left her little time to sleep, so she, like most serious artists, made her priorities to make beautiful art and sleep became more of a non- important luxury. She was always tired, but always blew everyone away with her accomplishments in art.


            Adrienne, your request is granted. Here is full figure you had looked forward to. It is not you, but it symbolizes you. I have put her at rest, for your energies were far exceeded and gloriously reflected in the art you made with your hands. Your request was not suitable in concrete or clay. You deserved marble, and so I have learned. You touched so many lives with your genuine care for others and it reflected perfectly in your art. A job well done Adrienne. Now rest Adrienne, …rest.